Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Perfect Harvest Recipe

Perfect Harvest Recipe

If you're like me, sometimes you get in a rut with the same recipe over-and-over again, especially when you have one particular vegetable that grew particularly well. For me this year, it's potatoes. So I asked my Colombian friend if she had any good potato recipes, and she gave me a recipe for "Papas Churriadas" which uses entirely garden ingredients (except for the spices), so it's a perfect recipe for harvest time!

First, boil some potatoes until tender, but not falling apart. We used 8 potatoes to feed 4 adults and 4 children. Set these aside, drained.

Next, make a "guiso" (pronounced gee-so) which is a base for most Colombian dishes. Shred 6 onions and 4 tomatoes and put in a pan. Add "Triguisar" which is a spice you can find in International food stores. If you don't have an international food store near you, you can substitute roughly a tablespoon of cumin and a teaspoon each of garlic powder and turmeric (or to taste). Let the "guiso" reduce on medium-high heat until thick.

Add up to 1/2 cup milk and 4 pieces of shredded toast (or hard breadsticks, crackers, or any other hard grain product  you have handy). Let it simmer for about 10 more minutes and take off the heat.

Use this topping on your potatoes as a delicious sauce (althought it tastes good on rice and chicken too!)

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